Meat The Trumps

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

The sons of Donald Trump have sparked outrage over pictures of them posing with animals they killed while hunting in Africa.

Eric and Donald Trump Jr have been slammed by animal rights groups for killing; an elephant, a crocodile, a civet cat, a kudu and a waterbuck.

Eric is shown holding a dead leopard as he stands next to his brother, while Donald Jr is shown holding a severed tail of an elephant.

He wrote on his twitter: "I have no shame. I HUNT and Eat game. I'm a hunter, for that I make no apologies."

He also added: They are not endangered animals. "As a hunter I love wildlife too. And btw I bet the money I spend on licence fees that goes back to the animals is a lot more than the antis give for sure.

The anger was caused by pictures posted on the website of the company Hunting Legends. The company ran a trip to zimbabwe last year called: "The Trumps Hunt Africa".

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals said: "If the young Trumps are looking for a thrill, perhaps they should consider skydiving, bungee jumping, or even following in their anti-hunting father's footsteps and taking down competing businesses, not wild animals.

"Like all animals, elephants, buffalo and crocodiles deserve better than to be killed and hacked apart for two young millionaires' grisly photo opportunity.

"If the Trumps want to help villages, they have plenty of resources at their disposal."

told showbiz news website TMZ: "Would any intelligent person feel moved to murder a magnificent elephant, then further insult and desecrate it by hacking off his or her tail as an additional gesture of dominance?

"Privilege has clearly not bought them the sensitivity or wisdom to view the world as anything but their personal playground, including the imagined entitlement to end the lives of sensitive and social animals for mere amusement."

Donald Trump, 65, told showbiz website TMZ: "My sons love hunting. They're hunters and they've become good at it. I am not a believer in hunting and I'm surprised they like it. "I know that anything they did was 100 per cent okay in terms of the hunting community."

The US tycoon has proven a controversial figure in the North-East of Scotland over his plans to build a huge golf complex at Balmedie estate. He has cause further anger residents by threatening to leave the project unfinished because of his objection to an offshore wind farm proposal.


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